Paper Organization – What To Keep and What to Toss?

paper organization

Paper organization can be very overwhelming and frustrating. It takes twice the time than any other area in your home to organize. And what if you shred an important document! We have created a chart to help you decide what to keep and what to toss.

Paper Organization Chart

Paper Organization Chart

Pro Tip

Go paperless whenever you can. I cannot tell you how great it is not to have mail to open and deal with! You can pretty much switch 90% of all your papers to online.

Look through the list above and see if you can transfer any of the paper documents to digital. For instance, ask to get bills and bank statements by email. Scan, or take a picture of all the important documents.

Supplie You’ll Need For Paper Organization 

You may already have a filing cabinet, or if you’re looking to purchase one, Ikea GALANT is a nice option. If howevew, you’re looking for an alternative I recommend Acrylic File Box with white hanging folders (oh so pretty!).

File box

You will also need a labelmaker for paper organization or if you have nice handwriting you can do it manualy.

Information, used to create this chart, was taken from

Feel stuck and don’t know how to even start organizing? Check our 3 Easy Tips To Organize You Home.